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  2. Shinshu Discount SPECIAL

Shinshu Discount SPECIAL

  • (2021/12/6) Expansion of discount recipients

    ・We will expand the discount target of Shinshu Discount SPECIAL Accommodation Discount", which is limited to residents of Nagano Prefecture, to neighboring prefecture residents.

    【start date】
      From reservations and accommodations from Friday, December 10, 3rd year of Reiwa.

    【Discount target】
     (1) Those who live in Nagano Prefecture

     (2) Those who live in the target neighboring prefectures (Niigata prefecture, Toyama prefecture, Yamanashi prefecture, Shizuoka prefecture)

      *It is intended for those who can obtain cooperation in infection control, such as presenting the "Shinshu

    (2021/12/6) About addition of discount period

    ・Shinshu Discount SPECIAL was until December 23, but 2021/1/11 (Tuesday) to 3/10 (Thursday) will be added.

    【Discount period】

     Reiwa 3rd December 10th (Friday) -December 23rd (Thursday), Reiwa 4th January 11th (Tuesday) -March 10th (Thursday)
     (Reservation period:December 10, 3rd year of Reiwa (Friday) -Thursday, March 10th, 4th year of Reiwa

     Shinshu to apply the Shinshu Discount SPECIAL discount, it is mandatory to apply the "Vaccine / Test Package" during the following period.
     (1) Those who live in Nagano Prefecture
          Period:Reiwa 4th January 11th (Tuesday) -March 10th(Thursday)
         *For stays until December 23, you can get a discount without applying the vaccine / test package.
     (2) Those who live in the target neighboring prefectures (Niigata prefecture, Toyama prefecture, Yamanashi prefecture, Shizuoka prefecture)
          Period:December 10th (Friday) to 23rd, 3rd year of Reiwa(Thursday),Reiwa 4th January 11th (Tuesday) -March 10th(Thursday)

    ・reference:Japan Tourism Agency"Vaccine / test package operation guidelines in the travel and accommodation industries"(PDF)

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